Manual import of a BIG blog from blogger

Generally you’d want to use WordPress’ Blogger Importer but you’ll soon find out that it wouldn’t work for large blogs.

The blog we had to import had more than 2000 posts, and an exported Blogger file of over 8MB, WordPress limit being 2MB. Researched and found no working solution. Seem that suggestions to edit settings in various configuration files did not work for all, And we needed a non techie solution that will work the same day. So we decided to split our Blogger blog into smaller bloggies instead.

Took us about 3 hours to complete the job, most of it waiting for Blogger actions to finish. This process kept posts contents, dates, comments and design including pages and partial sidebar content. Note: This process (or actually the WordPress importer) didn’t keep permalinks & tags. It’s definitely not perfect, and we would love to hear about better options.

So here’s how you do it:

  1. Go to your old blog, export blog to a file on your computer. rename it “original”.
  2. Create a new temporary blog with a name very different than your blog’s (you don’t want to mix them up…) Import the original exported file to the temp blog.
  3. Go to the Edit Posts page and choose the 300 posts per page option. If your posts are small enough (as were ours), you will be able to Export/Import 300 post at a time. Otherwise, choose a smaller option.
  4. Delete all posts in all pages except for the page you intend to export this cycle. If you have 1034 posts, that’s 3 cycles of 300 posts, and a forth with 134. Start with deleting the first 3 pages. Next cycle delete 4, and 1-2, etc.
    To delete a page, choose Oldest or Newest, then Select All, then Delete Selected. At all times follow the post range at the top of the page. Note that after deleting the first page, range 1-300 is really posts 301-600!
  5. Goto the Settings page and export the 300 posts left on your temp blog. Save the file on your computer and call it, for example, 0901-1034.
  6. Go to the dashboard and delete the temp blog. Be careful not to delete your original one… BTW, Not advisable to work with the same temp blog in all cycles, since there’s some buildup of junk from every import that makes the exported file bigger every cycle.
  7. Go to and convert your Blogger exported file to an WXR WP import file. Don’t worry if the file is 4MB or more, the converted one will be much smaller, and that’s the one that counts. If it’s still bigger than 2MB, start again with a smaller number of post per cycle. Add to the converted file’s name something like 0901-1034 or so, for identification.
  8. Start a new cycle from step 2, this time exporting 601-900 (page 3), next cycle export 301-600 (page 2), and then 1-300 (page 1), and you’re done.

When finished, be sure to be logged in to your WordPress site as the author intended for these posts.
Use the WordPress Import plugin to import the resulted files, one by one. Don’t worry about the order. WordPress will use the original posting dates.
Since each import also includes all your Blogger pages Etc. you’ll have to go over your new blog and clean all redundancies (and then maybe use some revisions cleaning plugin).

Mission accomplished!

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